@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ The documentation is spilt into the following sections:-
+ usb
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+ASoC USB support
+In order to leverage the existing USB sound device support in ALSA, the
+introduction of the ASoC USB APIs, allow for the entities to communicate
+with one another.
+One potential use case would be to support USB audio offloading, which is
+an implementation that allows for an external DSP on the SoC to handle the
+transfer of audio data over the USB bus. This would let the main
+processor to stay in lower power modes for longer durations. The following
+is an example design of how the ASoC and ALSA pieces can be connected
+together to achieve this:
+ USB | ASoC
+ | _________________________
+ | | ASoC Platform card |
+ | |_________________________|
+ | | |
+ | ___V____ ____V____
+ | |ASoC BE | |ASoC FE |
+ | |DAI LNK | |DAI LNK |
+ | |________| |_________|
+ | ^ ^ ^
+ | | |________|
+ | ___V____ |
+ | |SOC-USB | |
+ ________ ________ | | |
+ |USB SND |<--->|USBSND |<------------>|________| |
+ |(card.c)| |offld |<---------- |
+ |________| |________|___ | | |
+ ^ ^ | | | ____________V_________
+ | | | | | |IPC |
+ __ V_______________V_____ | | | |______________________|
+ |USB SND (endpoint.c) | | | | ^
+ |_________________________| | | | |
+ ^ | | | ___________V___________
+ | | | |->|audio DSP |
+ ___________V_____________ | | |_______________________|
+ |XHCI HCD |<- |
+ |_________________________| |
+SOC USB driver
+``struct snd_soc_usb``
+ - ``list``: list head for SND SOC struct list
+ - ``dev``: USB backend device reference
+ - ``component``: reference to ASoC component
+ - ``active_list``: active sessions
+ - ``num_supported_streams``: number of supported concurrent sessions
+ - ``connection_status_cb``: callback to notify connection events
+ - ``put_offload_dev``: callback to select USB sound card/PCM device
+ - ``get_offload_dev``: callback to fetch selected USB sound card/PCM device
+ - ``priv_data``: driver data
+The snd_soc_usb structure can be referenced using the ASoC platform card
+device, or a USB device (udev->dev). This is created by the ASoC BE DAI
+link, and the USB sound entity will be able to pass information to the
+ASoC BE DAI link using this structure.
+``struct snd_soc_usb_device``
+ - ``card_idx``: sound card index associated with USB device
+ - ``chip_idx``: USB sound chip array index
+ - ``num_playback``: number of playback streams
+ - ``num_capture``: number of capture streams
+The struct snd_soc_usb_device is created by the USB sound offload driver.
+This will carry basic parameters/limitations that will be used to
+determine the possible offloading paths for this USB audio device.
+``struct snd_soc_usb_session``
+ - ``active_card_idx``: active offloaded sound card
+ - ``active_pcm_idx``: active offloaded PCM device
+ - ``state``: USB BE DAI link PCM state
+The struct snd_soc_usb_session tracks the current offloading state for a
+particular card and PCM combination. This structure is carried/saved as
+part of the active_list within struct snd_soc_usb.
+The number of entities in the active list corresponds to the number of
+snd_soc_usb_session structures that are allocated. This is controlled
+by the num_supported_streams that is reported as part of the SOC USB
+structure creation.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ const char *snd_soc_usb_get_components_tag(bool playback);
+ - ``playback``: direction of audio stream
+**snd_soc_usb_get_components_tag()** returns the tag used for describing if USB
+offloading is supported for appending to the ASoC platform card's components
+Returns a tag based on the direction of the audio stream.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_find_format(int card_idx, struct snd_pcm_hw_params *params,
+ int direction)
+ - ``card_idx``: the index into the USB sound chip array.
+ - ``params``: Requested PCM parameters from the USB DPCM BE DAI link
+ - ``direction``: capture or playback
+**snd_soc_usb_find_format()** ensures that the requested audio profile being
+requested by the external DSP is supported by the USB device.
+Returns 0 on success, and -EOPNOTSUPP on failure.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_connect(struct device *usbdev, struct snd_soc_usb_device *sdev)
+ - ``usbdev``: the usb device that was discovered
+ - ``sdev``: capabilities of the device
+**snd_soc_usb_connect()** notifies the ASoC USB DCPM BE DAI link of a USB
+audio device detection. This can be utilized in the BE DAI
+driver to keep track of available USB audio devices. This is intended
+to be called by the USB offload driver residing in USB SND.
+Returns 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_disconnect(struct device *usbdev, struct snd_soc_usb_device *sdev)
+ - ``usbdev``: the usb device that was removed
+ - ``sdev``: capabilities to free
+**snd_soc_usb_disconnect()** notifies the ASoC USB DCPM BE DAI link of a USB
+audio device removal. This is intended to be called by the USB offload
+driver that resides in USB SND.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ void *snd_soc_usb_find_priv_data(struct device *usbdev)
+ - ``usbdev``: the usb device to reference to find private data
+**snd_soc_usb_find_priv_data()** fetches the private data saved to the SOC USB
+Returns pointer to priv_data on success, NULL on failure.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_device_offload_available(struct device *dev)
+ - ``dev``: the device to find in SOC USB
+**snd_soc_usb_device_offload_available()** fetch the sound card number associated
+to the USB BE DAI link.
+Returns a valid sound card index on success, negative on failure.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_prepare_session(struct snd_soc_usb *usb, int card_idx, int pcm_idx);
+ - ``usb``: SOC USB device
+ - ``card_idx``: USB sound card index
+ - ``pcm_idx``: USB PCM device index
+**snd_soc_usb_prepare_session()** populates active_list with a 'struct
+snd_soc_usb_session.' This will move the session into the SND_SOC_USB_PREPARED
+state. State updates will always start here.
+Returns index to active_list on success, -EBUSY on failure.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_shutdown_session(struct snd_soc_usb *usb, int session_id);
+ - ``usb``: SOC USB device
+ - ``session_id``: session id returned by **snd_soc_usb_prepare_session()**
+**snd_soc_usb_shutdown_session()** frees up a slot in active_list, which signals
+that there is no longer an active offloading device. This allows for another
+session to be started.
+Returns 0 on success, -EINVAL if session index is invalid.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_set_session_state(struct snd_soc_usb *usb, int session_id,
+ enum snd_soc_usb_dai_state state);
+ - ``usb``: SOC USB device
+ - ``session_id``: session id returned by **snd_soc_usb_prepare_session()**
+ - ``state``: state to move into
+**snd_soc_usb_set_session_state()** moves an offloading session to the desired
+.. code-block:: rst
+int snd_soc_usb_setup_offload_jack(struct snd_soc_component *component,
+ struct snd_soc_jack *jack)
+ - ``component``: ASoC component to add the jack
+ - ``jack``: ASoC sound jack to add
+**snd_soc_usb_setup_offload_jack()** is a helper to add a sound jack control to
+the platform sound card. This will allow for consistent naming to be used on
+designs that support USB audio offloading.
+Returns 0 on success, negative otherwise.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ struct snd_soc_usb *snd_soc_usb_allocate_port(struct snd_soc_component *component,
+ int num_supported_streams, void *data);
+ - ``component``: DPCM BE DAI link component
+ - ``num_supported_streams``: number of active streams supported by external DSP
+ - ``data``: private data
+**snd_soc_usb_allocate_port()** allocates a SOC USB device and populates standard
+parameters that is used for further operations.
+Returns a pointer to struct soc_usb on success, negative on error.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ void snd_soc_usb_free_port(struct snd_soc_usb *usb);
+ - ``usb``: SOC USB device to free
+**snd_soc_usb_free_port()** frees a SOC USB device.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_add_port(struct snd_soc_usb *usb);
+ - ``usb``: SOC USB device to add
+**snd_soc_usb_add_port()** add an allocated SOC USB device to the SOC USB framework.
+Once added, this device can be referenced by further operations.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int snd_soc_usb_remove_port(struct snd_soc_usb *usb);
+ - ``usb``: SOC USB device to remove
+**snd_soc_usb_remove_port()** removes a SOC USB device from the SOC USB framework.
+After removing a device, any SOC USB operations would not be able to reference the
+device removed.
+How to Register to SOC USB
+The ASoC DPCM USB BE DAI link is the entity responsible for allocating and
+registering the SOC USB device on the component bind. Likewise, it will
+also be responsible for freeing the allocated resources. An example can
+be shown below:
+.. code-block:: rst
+ static int q6usb_component_probe(struct snd_soc_component *component)
+ {
+ ...
+ data->usb = snd_soc_usb_allocate_port(component, 1, &data->priv);
+ if (!data->usb)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ usb->connection_status_cb = q6usb_alsa_connection_cb;
+ ret = snd_soc_usb_add_port(usb);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ dev_err(component->dev, "failed to add usb port\n");
+ goto free_usb;
+ }
+ ...
+ }
+ static void q6usb_component_remove(struct snd_soc_component *component)
+ {
+ ...
+ snd_soc_usb_remove_port(data->usb);
+ snd_soc_usb_free_port(data->usb);
+ }
+ static const struct snd_soc_component_driver q6usb_dai_component = {
+ .probe = q6usb_component_probe,
+ .remove = q6usb_component_remove,
+ .name = "q6usb-dai-component",
+ ...
+ };
+BE DAI links can pass along vendor specific information as part of the
+call to allocate the SOC USB device. This will allow any BE DAI link
+parameters or settings to be accessed by the USB offload driver that
+resides in USB SND.
+USB Audio Device Connection Flow
+USB devices can be hotplugged into the USB root hub at any point in time.
+The BE DAI link should be aware of the current state of the physical USB
+port, i.e. if there are any USB devices with audio interface(s) connected.
+The following callback can be used to notify the BE DAI link of any change:
+ **connection_status_cb()**
+This is called whenever there is a USB SND interface bind or remove event,
+using snd_soc_usb_connect() or snd_soc_usb_disconnect():
+.. code-block:: rst
+ static void qc_usb_audio_offload_probe(struct snd_usb_audio *chip)
+ {
+ ...
+ snd_soc_usb_connect(usb_get_usb_backend(udev), sdev);
+ ...
+ }
+ static void qc_usb_audio_offload_disconnect(struct snd_usb_audio *chip)
+ {
+ ...
+ snd_soc_usb_disconnect(usb_get_usb_backend(chip->dev), dev->sdev);
+ ...
+ }
+In order to account for conditions where driver or device existence is
+not guaranteed, USB SND exposes snd_usb_rediscover_devices() to resend the
+connect events for any identified USB audio interfaces. Consider the
+the following situtation:
+ **usb_audio_probe()**
+ | --> USB audio streams allocated and saved to usb_chip[]
+ | --> Propagate connect event to USB offload driver in USB SND
+ | --> **snd_soc_usb_connect()** exits as USB BE DAI link is not ready
+ BE DAI link component probe
+ | --> DAI link is probed and SOC USB port is allocated
+ | --> The USB audio device connect event is missed
+To ensure connection events are not missed, **snd_usb_rediscover_devices()**
+is executed when the SOC USB device is registered. Now, when the BE DAI
+link component probe occurs, the following highlights the sequence:
+ BE DAI link component probe
+ | --> DAI link is probed and SOC USB port is allocated
+ | --> SOC USB device added, and **snd_usb_rediscover_devices()** runs
+ **snd_usb_rediscover_devices()**
+ | --> Traverses through usb_chip[] and for non-NULL entries issue
+ | **connection_status_cb()**
+In the case where the USB offload driver is unbounded, while USB SND is
+ready, the **snd_usb_rediscover_devices()** is called during module init.
+This allows for the offloading path to also be enabled with the following
+ **usb_audio_probe()**
+ | --> USB audio streams allocated and saved to usb_chip[]
+ | --> Propagate connect event to USB offload driver in USB SND
+ | --> USB offload driver **NOT** ready!
+ BE DAI link component probe
+ | --> DAI link is probed and SOC USB port is allocated
+ | --> No USB connect event due to missing USB offload driver
+ USB offload driver probe
+ | --> **qc_usb_audio_offload_init()**
+ | --> Calls **snd_usb_rediscover_devices()** to notify of devices
+Advertising USB Audio Offload Capability
+As the USB audio offloading can potentially reside within the platform ASoC based
+sound card, depending on if there is a USB DPCM backend DAI link existing in the
+platform card definition, then users can utilize the sound card's components string,
+in order to signal that USB offloading is supported by this sound card.
+The sound core exposes:
+ **snd_ctl_card_info()**
+This allows for userspace applications, i.e. amixer, to fetch the components string
+that was created as part of the ASoC platform sound card creation routine. The
+possible tags that can be seen are:
+ - **usbplybkoffld: 1**
+ - **usbcapoffld: 1**
+**usbplybkoffld** translates to usb offload playback supported, and **usbcapoffld**
+translates to USB offload capture supported. Applications can then query the sound
+card for further offload status parameters.
+SOC USB and USB Sound Kcontrols
+SOC USB and USB sound expose a set of SND kcontrols for applications to select
+and fetch the current offloading status for the ASoC platform sound card. Kcontrols
+are split between two layers:
+ - USB sound - Notifies the sound card number for the ASoC platform sound
+ card that it is registered to for supporting audio offload.
+ - SOC USB - Maintains the current status of the offload path, and device
+ (USB sound card and PCM device) information. This would be the main
+ card that applications can read to determine offloading capabilities.
+ **Sound Cards**:
+ ::
+ 0 [SM8250MTPWCD938]: sm8250 - SM8250-MTP-WCD9380-WSA8810-VA-D
+ SM8250-MTP-WCD9380-WSA8810-VA-DMIC
+ 1 [C320M ]: USB-Audio - Plantronics C320-M
+ Plantronics Plantronics C320-M at usb-xhci-hcd.1.auto-1, full speed
+ **Platform Sound Card** - card#0:
+ ::
+ USB Offload Playback Route Status -1, -1 (range -1->32)
+ USB Offload Playback Route Select 1, 0 (range -1->32)
+ **USB Sound Card** - card#1:
+ ::
+ USB Offload Playback Capable Card 0 (range -1->32)
+The platform sound card(card#0) kcontrols are created as part of adding the SOC
+USB device using **snd_soc_usb_add_port()**. The following kcontrols are defined
+ - ``USB Offload Playback Route Status`` **(R)**: USB sound card and PCM device
+ index pair that defines which USB SND resources are currently offloaded. If
+ -1, -1 is seen, it signifies that offload is not active.
+ - ``USB Offload Playback Route Select`` **(R/W)**: USB sound card and PCM device
+ index pair which selects the USB device to initiate offloading on. If no value
+ is written to the kcontrol, then the last USB device discovered will be chosen.
+The USB sound card(card#1) kcontrols are created as USB audio devices are plugged
+into the physical USB port and enumerated. The kcontrols are defined as:
+ - ``USB Offload Playback Capable Card`` **(R)**: Provides the sound card
+ number/index that supports USB offloading. Further/follow up queries about
+ the current offload state can be handled by reading the offload status
+ kcontrol exposed by the platform card.
+USB Offload Playback Route Select Kcontrol
+In order to allow for vendor specific implementations on audio offloading device
+selection, the SOC USB layer exposes the following:
+.. code-block:: rst
+ int (*put_offload_dev)(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol);
+ int (*get_offload_dev)(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol);
+These are specific for the **USB Offload Playback Route Select** kcontrol.
+When users issue get/put calls to the kcontrol, the registered SOC USB callbacks
+will execute the registered function calls to the DPCM BE DAI link.
+**Callback Registration:**
+.. code-block:: rst
+ static int q6usb_component_probe(struct snd_soc_component *component)
+ {
+ ...
+ usb = snd_soc_usb_allocate_port(component, 1, &data->priv);
+ if (IS_ERR(usb))
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ usb->connection_status_cb = q6usb_alsa_connection_cb;
+ usb->put_offload_dev = q6usb_put_offload_dev;
+ usb->get_offload_dev = q6usb_get_offload_dev;
+ ret = snd_soc_usb_add_port(usb);
+**PUT Callback:**
+Can be used to track current device selection, and to issue any external DSP
+commands that might be required for enabling audio offloading.
+.. code-block:: rst
+ static int q6usb_put_offload_dev(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol,
+ struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol)
+ {
+ ...
+ if ((cardidx >= 0 && test_bit(cardidx, &data->available_card_slot))) {
+ data->sel_card_idx = cardidx;
+ changed = 1;
+ }
+ if ((pcmidx >= 0 && pcmidx < data->status[cardidx].sdev->num_playback)) {
+ data->sel_pcm_idx = pcmidx;
+ changed = 1;
+ }
+The above is an example of keeping track of what the userspace entity is
+selecting as the playback device. This can be later used to pass the information
+along to the external DSP.
+USB Offload Playback Route Status
+SOC USB exposes APIs for keeping track of the offloading state, and expects this
+to be maintained by the BE DAI link that created/added the SOC USB device.
+**SOC USB State Flow Example**
+ PCM Core | BE USB DAI Link | SOC USB
+ | |
+ snd_pcm_hw_params --------> dai_link->ops->hw_params --> snd_soc_usb_prepare_session
+ | | |--> state = SND_SOC_USB_PREPARED
+ ... | | |--> slot[0] now active
+ | |
+ | |
+ snd_pcm_do_prepare--------> dai_link->ops->prepare ---> snd_soc_usb_set_session_state
+ | | |--> state = SND_SOC_USB_RUNNING
+ ... | |
+ | |
+ snd_pcm_release_substream-> dai_link->ops->shutdown---> snd_soc_usb_shutdown_session
+ | | |--> state = SND_SOC_USB_IDLE
+ | | |--> slot[0] now idle
+When executing the kcontrol get callback, it will loop across the active_list array
+and report to the application for active USB sound card and USB PCM device indexes.
+USB Offload Playback Capable Card
+USB sound also creates a kcontrol for applications to help determine which platform
+sound card USB offloading is linked to. This will allow applications to further
+query the platform sound card for specific information about the current USB offload
+This is added as a separate mixer driver:
+ - mixer_usb_offload.c
+ - kcontrol: snd_usb_offload_available_ctl
+**snd_usb_offload_available_get()** fetches the associated sound card by utilizing
+the **snd_soc_usb_device_offload_available()** API.
+Mixer Examples
+ ::
+ tinymix -D 0 set 'USB Offload Playback Route Select' 2 0
+ ::
+ tinymix -D 0 get 'USB Offload Playback Route Select'
+ --> 2, 0 (range 0->32)
+ ::
+ tinymix -D 0 get 'USB Offload Playback Route Status'
+ --> 2, 0 (range -1->32) [OFFLD active]
+ --> -1, -1 (range -1->32) [OFFLD idle]
+ ::
+ tinymix -D 0 get 'USB Offload Playback Capable Card'
+ --> 0 (range 0->32)