[avr,committed] Libf7: Use paper-pencil algorithm for sqrt

Message ID 36ed7679-485e-4cc9-a575-8532abeb45ee@gjlay.de
State Not Applicable
Series [avr,committed] Libf7: Use paper-pencil algorithm for sqrt |


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snail/gcc-patch-check fail Git am fail log

Commit Message

Georg-Johann Lay Nov. 14, 2023, 10:15 a.m. UTC
  This uses the paper-pencil method to compute IEEE square root.

It is faster than previous 3 * Newton-Raphson, slightly
more precise, and has almost exact same code size.



LibF7: Use paper-pencil method for sqrt instead of Newton-Raphson iteration.

	* libf7-asm.sx (sqrt_approx): Rewrite.
	* libf7.c (f7_sqrt): Use it instead of sqrt_worker.
	(sqrt_worker): Remove.


diff --git a/libgcc/config/avr/libf7/libf7-asm.sx 
index 01d1fa3e876..b00f7599496 100644
--- a/libgcc/config/avr/libf7/libf7-asm.sx
+++ b/libgcc/config/avr/libf7/libf7-asm.sx
@@ -1287,6 +1287,189 @@  DEFUN div
  #endif /* F7MOD_div_ */

+#ifdef F7MOD_sqrt_approx_
+;; ReMainder
+#define     MX      16
+#define     M0      17
+#define     M1      26
+#define     M2      27
+#define     M3      14
+#define     M4      15
+#define     M5      TMP
+#define     M6      r29
+#define     AA      ZERO
+#define     One     r13
+#define     Bits    r28
+#define     Bytes   M6
+;; Extend C[] by 0b01 at the low end.
+#define     CX      (0b01 << 6)
+;;; Compute square-root of const f7_t *R22 for a positive number.
+DEFUN sqrt_approx
+    ;; 7 = Y, R17...R13
+    do_prologue_saves 7
+    wmov    ZL,     r22         ; Input const f7_t*
+    wmov    YL,     r24         ; Output f7_t*
+    F7call load_mant
+    ldi     CA,     0xff
+    ;; The paper-pencil method for the mantissa consumes bits in pairs and
+    ;; expects the input as Q-format 2.*, but mant is in 1.*.  This means
+    ;; we have to shift one to the right.  If expo is odd, then we shift
+    ;; one to the left and subtract one from expo in order to compensate
+    ;; and to get an even exponent.
+    ;; Divide expo by 2 because we are doing sqrt.
+    ldd     XH,     Z+Expo+1
+    ldd     XL,     Z+Expo+0
+    asr     XH
+    ror     XL
+    ;; Store expo to result.
+    wmov    ZL,     YL
+    std     Z+Expo+0,   XL
+    std     Z+Expo+1,   XH
+    brcs 1f
+    ;; Expo was even.  Do >>=1 in order to get Q2.* as explained above.
+    LSR C6      $ ror C5    $ ror C4    $ ror C3
+    ror C2      $ ror C1    $ ror C0    $ ror CA
+    ;; For odd expo, >>=1 to get Q2.* and <<=1 to get an even expo 
cancel out.
+    ;; And the right-shift of the exponent implicitly subtracted 1 from it
+    ;; as needed.
+    F7call  store_mant.with_flags
+    ;; Let Z point one past the mantissa's MSB.
+    adiw    ZL,     Off + F7_MANT_BYTES
+    ;; Clear the result mantissa.
+    .global __clr_8
+    XCALL   __clr_8
+    ;; Clear ReMainder.  M6 === Bytes will be zero when Bytes is down to 0.
+    clr     M5
+    wmov    M3,     C3
+    wmov    M1,     C1
+    wmov    MX,     CA
+    clr     One
+    inc     One
+    ;; "+1" because .flags extends the mantissa at the low end.
+    ldi     Bytes,  1 + F7_MANT_BYTES
+    ld      AA,     -Z
+    ldi     Bits,   8
+    ;; Shift top 2 bits of MX into M[].
+    LSL MX  $ rol M0    $ rol M1    $ rol M2    $ rol M3
+    LSL MX  $ rol M0    $ rol M1    $ rol M2    $ rol M3
+    ;; "Take down" 2 bits from A[] to MX.7 and MX.6
+    mov     MX,     AA
+    andi    MX,     0xc0
+    lsl     AA
+    lsl     AA
+    ;; Compare remainder against current result extended by 0b01.
+    CPI     MX,     CX
+    cpc     M0,     C0
+    cpc     M1,     C1
+    cpc     M2,     C2
+    cpc     M3,     C3
+    brcs 1f
+    ;; If the extended result fits, subtract it from M and set the
+    ;; next result bit to 1.
+    SUBI    MX,     CX
+    sbc     M0,     C0
+    sbc     M1,     C1
+    sbc     M2,     C2
+    sbc     M3,     C3
+    ;; If it doesn't fit, set the next result bit to 0 (and don't 
+    rol     C0
+    eor     C0,     One
+    rol     C1
+    rol     C2
+    rol     C3
+    subi    Bits,   2
+    brne .Loop_bits
+    ;; AA (=== ZERO) is zero again.
+    dec     Bytes
+    brne .Loop_bytes
+    ;; B6 (=== Bytes) is zero now.
+    ;; Now we consumed all the 64 bits of the extended mantissa, but we
+    ;; only expanded 64 / 2 = 32 bits of the result, which is currently
+    ;; held in C3 ... C0.  Do the same like above, but on all bytes.
+    ;; Shift in 00's because the mantissa is exhausted.
+    ;; "-1" because flags is part of the mantissa, which is already 
+    ldi     Bits,  8 * (F7_MANT_BYTES - 1)
+    ;; Shift top 2 bits of MX into M[].
+    LSL     MX
+    rol     M0
+    rol     M1
+    rol     M2
+    rol     M3
+    rol     M4
+    rol     M5
+    rol     M6
+    subi    Bits,   0x80
+    brmi .Ltwice
+    ;; "Take down" two 0's to MX.7 and MX.6
+    ; clr MX   ;; MX is already zero.
+    ;; Compare remainder against current result extended by 0b01.
+    CPI     MX,     CX
+    cpc     M0,     C0
+    cpc     M1,     C1
+    cpc     M2,     C2
+    cpc     M3,     C3
+    cpc     M4,     C4
+    cpc     M5,     C5
+    cpc     M6,     C6
+    brcs 1f
+    ;; If the extended result fits, subtract it from M and set the
+    ;; next result bit to 1.
+    SUBI    MX,     CX
+    sbc     M0,     C0
+    sbc     M1,     C1
+    sbc     M2,     C2
+    sbc     M3,     C3
+    sbc     M4,     C4
+    sbc     M5,     C5
+    sbc     M6,     C6
+    ;; If it doesn't fit, set the next result bit to 0 (and don't 
+    rol     C0
+    eor     C0,     One
+    rol     C1
+    rol     C2
+    rol     C3
+    rol     C4
+    rol     C5
+    rol     C6
+    subi    Bits,   2
+    brne .Loop2_bits
+    ;; Set flags.
+    st      Z,      ZERO
+    F7call  store_mant
+    do_epilogue_restores 7
+ENDF sqrt_approx
+#endif /* F7MOD_sqrt_approx_ */
  #if defined (F7MOD_sqrt16_) && defined (__AVR_HAVE_MUL__)

  #define     Mask    C6
@@ -1348,74 +1531,6 @@  DEFUN sqrt16_round
  #undef Q1
  #endif /* F7MOD_sqrt16_ && MUL */

-#ifdef F7MOD_sqrt_approx_
-DEFUN sqrt_approx
-    push    r17
-    push    r16
-    wmov    XL,     r24
-    wmov    ZL,     r22
-    ;; C[] = 0.
-    .global __clr_8
-    XCALL   __clr_8
-    ldd     C5,     Z+5+Off
-    ldd     C6,     Z+6+Off
-    ldd     Carry,  Z+0+Expo
-    ldd     TMP,    Z+1+Expo
-    wmov    ZL,     XL
-    st      Z,      ZERO
-    asr     TMP
-    ror     Carry
-    std     Z+1+Expo,   TMP
-    std     Z+0+Expo,   Carry
-    ;; Re-interpreting our Q-format 1.xx mantissa as Q2.yy, we have to 
-    ;; the mantissa to the right by 1.  As we need an even exponent, 
-    ;; the mantissa by 2 for odd exponents, i.e. only right-shift if .expo
-    ;; is even.
-    brcs 1f
-    lsr     C6
-    ror     C5
-    F7call  sqrt16_round
-    ;; sqrt16_round() returns:   C = 0:  error in [0, -1/2 LSB).
-    ;;                           C = 1:  error in [1/2 LSB, 0)
-    brcc 2f
-    ;; Undo the round-up from sqrt16_round(); this will transform to
-    ;; error in [-1/2 LSB, -1 LSB).
-    sbiw    C5,     1
-    ;; Together with the correct bit C4.7, the error is in  [0, -1/2 LSB).
-    ori     C4,     1 << 7
-2:  ;; Setting C4.6 adds 1/4 LSB and the error is now in [1/4 LSB, -1/4 
-    ;; in either case.
-    ori     C4,     1 << 6
-    ;; ????????????
-    ;; sqrt16_round() runs on integers which means that it computes the
-    ;; square root of  mant * 2^14  if we regard  mant as Q-format 2.yy,
-    ;; i.e. 2 integral bits.  The result is  sqrt(mant) * 2^7,
-    ;; and in order to get the same scaling like the input, .expo has to
-    ;; be adjusted by 7. ???????????????
-    ldi     Carry,  8
-    F7call  normalize.store_with_flags
-    pop     r16
-    pop     r17
-    ret
-ENDF sqrt_approx
-#endif /* F7MOD_sqrt_approx_ */

  #undef CA
  #undef C0
diff --git a/libgcc/config/avr/libf7/libf7.c 
index 49baac73e6d..da2a4b61b74 100644
--- a/libgcc/config/avr/libf7/libf7.c
+++ b/libgcc/config/avr/libf7/libf7.c
@@ -1188,40 +1188,6 @@  f7_t* f7_ldexp (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa, int delta)

  #ifdef F7MOD_sqrt_
-static void sqrt_worker (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *rr)
-  f7_t tmp7, *tmp = &tmp7;
-  f7_t aa7, *aa = &aa7;
-  // aa in  [1/2, 2)  =>  aa->expo in { -1, 0 }.
-  int16_t a_expo = -(rr->expo & 1);
-  int16_t c_expo = (rr->expo - a_expo) >> 1;  // FIXME: r_expo = INT_MAX???
-  __asm ("" : "+r" (aa));
-  f7_copy (aa, rr);
-  aa->expo = a_expo;
-  // No use of rr or *cc past this point:  We may use cc as temporary.
-  // Approximate square-root of  A  by  X <-- (X + A / X) / 2.
-  f7_sqrt_approx_asm (cc, aa);
-  // Iterate  X <-- (X + A / X) / 2.
-  // 3 Iterations with 16, 32, 58 bits of precision for the quotient.
-  for (uint8_t prec = 16; (prec & 0x80) == 0; prec <<= 1)
-    {
-      f7_divx (tmp, aa, cc, (prec & 64) ? 2 + F7_MANT_BITS : prec);
-      f7_Iadd (cc, tmp);
-      // This will never underflow because |c_expo| is small.
-      cc->expo--;
-    }
-  // Similar: |c_expo| is small, hence no ldexp needed.
-  cc->expo += c_expo;
  void f7_sqrt (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
@@ -1236,7 +1202,7 @@  void f7_sqrt (f7_t *cc, const f7_t *aa)
    if (f7_class_zero (a_class))
      return f7_clr (cc);

-  sqrt_worker (cc, aa);
+  f7_sqrt_approx_asm (cc, aa);
  #endif // F7MOD_sqrt_