[COMMITTED] ada: Name resolution in expanded instances

Message ID 20231130101907.3094132-1-poulhies@adacore.com
State Accepted
Series [COMMITTED] ada: Name resolution in expanded instances |


Context Check Description
snail/gcc-patch-check success Github commit url

Commit Message

Marc Poulhiès Nov. 30, 2023, 10:19 a.m. UTC
  From: Steve Baird <baird@adacore.com>

In building the tree for an instance of a generic, expansion sets
entity fields on names that refer to things declared outside of the
instance, but leaves the entity field unset on names that should end
up referring to things declared within the instance. These will instead be
set by analysis - the idea is that if a name resolves a certain way in the
generic, then we should get corresponding results if we resolve the
corresponding name in an instance. For this to work, we have to prevent
unrelated declarations that happen to be visible at the point of the
instantiation from participating in resolution. Add code to filter out such
unwanted name resolution candidates.


	* sem_ch8.adb (Find_Direct_Name): In the case of a resolving a
	name that occurs within an instantiation, add code to detect and
	filter out unwanted candidate resolutions. The filtering is
	performed via a call to Remove_Interp.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.

 gcc/ada/sem_ch8.adb | 338 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 338 insertions(+)


diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch8.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch8.adb
index 88be8aeaff2..d231910cb95 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch8.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch8.adb
@@ -6473,6 +6473,344 @@  package body Sem_Ch8 is
             Collect_Interps (N);
+            --  Background: for an instance of a generic, expansion sets
+            --  entity fields on names that refer to things declared
+            --  outside of the instance, but leaves the entity field
+            --  unset on names that should end up referring to things
+            --  declared within the instance. These will instead be set by
+            --  analysis - the idea is that if a name resolves a certain
+            --  way in the generic, then we should get corresponding results
+            --  if we resolve the corresponding name in an instance. For this
+            --  to work, we have to prevent unrelated declarations that
+            --  happen to be visible at the point of the instantiation from
+            --  participating in resolution and causing problems (typically
+            --  ambiguities, but incorrect resolutions are also probably
+            --  possible). So here we filter out such unwanted interpretations.
+            --
+            --  Note that there are other problems with this approach to
+            --  implementing generic instances that are not addressed here.
+            --  Inside a generic, we might have no trouble resolving a call
+            --  where the two candidates are a function that returns a
+            --  formal type and a function that returns Standard.Integer.
+            --  If we instantiate that generic and the corresponding actual
+            --  type is Standard.Integer, then we may incorrectly reject the
+            --  corresponding call in the instance as ambiguous (or worse,
+            --  we may quietly choose the wrong resolution).
+            --
+            --  Another such problem can occur with a type derived from a
+            --  formal derived type. In an instance, such a type may have
+            --  inherited subprograms that are not present in the generic.
+            --  These can then interfere with name resolution (e.g., if
+            --  some declaration is visible via a use-clause in the generic
+            --  and some name in the generic refers to it, then the
+            --  corresponding declaration in an instance may be hidden by
+            --  a directly visible inherited subprogram and the corresponding
+            --  name in the instance may then incorrectly refer to the
+            --  inherited subprogram).
+            if In_Instance then
+               declare
+                  function Is_Actual_Subp_Of_Inst
+                    (E : Entity_Id; Inst : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+                  --  Return True if E is an actual parameter
+                  --  corresponding to a formal subprogram of the
+                  --  instantiation Inst.
+                  function Is_Extraneously_Visible
+                    (E : Entity_Id; Inst : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+                  --  Return True if E is an interpretation that should
+                  --  be filtered out. That is, if E is an "unwanted"
+                  --  resolution candidate as described in the
+                  --  preceding "Background:" commment.
+                  function Is_Generic_Actual_Subp_Name
+                    (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+                  --  Return True if N is the name of a subprogram
+                  --  renaming generated for a generic actual.
+                  ----------------------------
+                  -- Is_Actual_Subp_Of_Inst --
+                  ----------------------------
+                  function Is_Actual_Subp_Of_Inst
+                    (E : Entity_Id; Inst : Entity_Id) return Boolean
+                  is
+                     Decl                              : Node_Id;
+                     Generic_From_E, Generic_From_Inst : Entity_Id;
+                  begin
+                     --  ???
+                     --  Why is Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram undefined
+                     --  in the E_Operator case?
+                     if Ekind (E) not in E_Function | E_Procedure
+                       or else not Is_Generic_Actual_Subprogram (E)
+                     then
+                        return False;
+                     end if;
+                     Decl := Enclosing_Declaration (E);
+                     --  Look for the suprogram renaming declaration built
+                     --  for a generic actual subprogram. Unclear why
+                     --  Original_Node call is needed, but sometimes it is.
+                     if Decl not in N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration_Id then
+                        Decl := Original_Node (Decl);
+                     end if;
+                     if Decl in N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration_Id then
+                        Generic_From_E :=
+                          Scope (Corresponding_Formal_Spec (Decl));
+                     else
+                        --  ??? In the case of a generic formal subprogram
+                        --  which has a pre/post condition, it is unclear how
+                        --  to find the Corresponding_Formal_Spec-bearing node.
+                        Generic_From_E := Empty;
+                     end if;
+                     declare
+                        Inst_Parent : Node_Id := Parent (Inst);
+                     begin
+                        if Nkind (Inst_Parent) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name
+                        then
+                           Inst_Parent := Parent (Inst_Parent);
+                        end if;
+                        Generic_From_Inst := Generic_Parent (Inst_Parent);
+                     end;
+                     return Generic_From_E = Generic_From_Inst
+                       and then Present (Generic_From_E);
+                  end Is_Actual_Subp_Of_Inst;
+                  -----------------------------
+                  -- Is_Extraneously_Visible --
+                  -----------------------------
+                  function Is_Extraneously_Visible
+                    (E : Entity_Id; Inst : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+                  begin
+                     --  Return False in various non-extraneous cases.
+                     --  If none of those apply, then return True.
+                     if Within_Scope (E, Inst) then
+                        --  return False if E declared within Inst
+                        return False;
+                     elsif Is_Actual_Subp_Of_Inst (E, Inst) then
+                        --  Return False if E is an actual subprogram,
+                        --  and therefore may be referenced within Inst.
+                        return False;
+                     elsif Nkind (Parent (E)) = N_Subtype_Declaration
+                        and then Defining_Identifier (Parent (E)) /= E
+                     then
+                        --  Return False for a primitive subp of an
+                        --  actual corresponding to a formal type.
+                        return False;
+                     elsif not In_Open_Scopes (Scope (E)) then
+                        --  Return False if this candidate is not
+                        --  declared in a currently open scope.
+                        return False;
+                     else
+                        declare
+                           --  We want to know whether the declaration of
+                           --  E comes textually after the declaration of
+                           --  the generic that Inst is an instance of
+                           --  (and after the generic body if there is one).
+                           --  To compare, we climb up the deeper of the two
+                           --  scope chains until we the levels match.
+                           --  There is a separate loop for each starting
+                           --  point, but we will execute zero iterations
+                           --  for at least one of the two loops.
+                           --  For each Xxx_Scope, we have a corresponding
+                           --  Xxx_Trailer; the latter is the predecessor of
+                           --  the former in the scope traversal.
+                           E_Trailer : Entity_Id := E;
+                           E_Scope : Entity_Id := Scope (E);
+                           pragma Assert (Present (E_Scope));
+                           --  the generic that Inst is an instance of
+                           Gen_Trailer : Entity_Id :=
+                             Generic_Parent (Specification
+                               (Unit_Declaration_Node (Inst)));
+                           Gen_Scope : Entity_Id;
+                           function Has_Formal_Package_Parameter
+                             (Generic_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+                           --  Return True iff given generic has at least one
+                           --  formal package parameter.
+                           ----------------------------------
+                           -- Has_Formal_Package_Parameter --
+                           ----------------------------------
+                           function Has_Formal_Package_Parameter
+                             (Generic_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+                              Formal_Decl : Node_Id :=
+                                First (Generic_Formal_Declarations
+                                  (Enclosing_Generic_Unit (Generic_Id)));
+                           begin
+                              while Present (Formal_Decl) loop
+                                 if Nkind (Original_Node (Formal_Decl)) =
+                                   N_Formal_Package_Declaration
+                                 then
+                                    return True;
+                                 end if;
+                                 Next (Formal_Decl);
+                              end loop;
+                              return False;
+                           end Has_Formal_Package_Parameter;
+                        begin
+                           if No (Gen_Trailer) then
+                              --  Dunno how this can happen, but it can.
+                              return False;
+                           else
+                              if Has_Formal_Package_Parameter (Gen_Trailer)
+                              then
+                                 --  Punt on sorting out what is visible via a
+                                 --  formal package.
+                                 return False;
+                              end if;
+                              if Is_Child_Unit (Gen_Trailer)
+                                and then Is_Generic_Unit
+                                           (Entity (Name
+                                             (Parent (Gen_Trailer))))
+                              then
+                                 --  Punt on dealing with how the FE fails
+                                 --  to build a tree for a "sprouted" generic
+                                 --  so that what should be a reference to
+                                 --  I1.G2 instead points into G1.G2 .
+                                 return False;
+                              end if;
+                              Gen_Scope := Scope (Gen_Trailer);
+                              while Scope_Depth (E_Scope)
+                                      > Scope_Depth (Gen_Scope)
+                              loop
+                                 E_Trailer := E_Scope;
+                                 E_Scope := Scope (E_Scope);
+                              end loop;
+                              while Scope_Depth (E_Scope)
+                                      < Scope_Depth (Gen_Scope)
+                              loop
+                                 Gen_Trailer := Gen_Scope;
+                                 Gen_Scope := Scope (Gen_Scope);
+                              end loop;
+                           end if;
+                           if Gen_Scope = E_Scope then
+                              --  if Gen_Trailer and E_Trailer are declared
+                              --  in the same declarative part and E_Trailer
+                              --  occurs after the declaration (and body, if
+                              --  there is one) of Gen_Trailer, then
+                              --  return True because E was declared after
+                              --  the generic that Inst is an instance of
+                              --  (and also after that generic's body, if it
+                              --  has one).
+                              if Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Gen_Trailer)
+                                and then Present (Package_Body (Gen_Trailer))
+                              then
+                                 Gen_Trailer :=
+                                   Corresponding_Body
+                                     (Package_Spec (Gen_Trailer));
+                              end if;
+                              declare
+                                 Id : Entity_Id := Gen_Trailer;
+                              begin
+                                 loop
+                                    if not Present (Id) then
+                                       --  E_Trailer presumably occurred
+                                       --  earlier on the entity list than
+                                       --  Gen_Trailer. So E preceded the
+                                       --  generic that Inst is an instance
+                                       --  of (or the body of that generic if
+                                       --  it has one) and so could have
+                                       --  been referenced within the generic.
+                                       return False;
+                                    end if;
+                                    exit when Id = E_Trailer;
+                                    Next_Entity (Id);
+                                 end loop;
+                              end;
+                           end if;
+                        end;
+                     end if;
+                     if Present (Nearest_Enclosing_Instance (Inst)) then
+                        return Is_Extraneously_Visible
+                          (E => E, Inst => Nearest_Enclosing_Instance (Inst));
+                     --  The preceding Nearest_Enclosing_Instance test
+                     --  doesn't handle the case of an instance of a
+                     --  "sprouted" generic. For example, if Inst=I2 in
+                     --    generic package G1
+                     --    generic package G1.G2;
+                     --    package I1 is new G1;
+                     --    package I2 is new I1.G2;
+                     --  then N_E_I (Inst) = Empty. So deal with that case.
+                     elsif Present (Nearest_Enclosing_Instance (E)) then
+                        return Is_Extraneously_Visible
+                          (E => Nearest_Enclosing_Instance (E),
+                           Inst => Inst);
+                     end if;
+                     return True;
+                  end Is_Extraneously_Visible;
+                  ---------------------------------
+                  -- Is_Generic_Actual_Subp_Name --
+                  ---------------------------------
+                  function Is_Generic_Actual_Subp_Name
+                    (N : Node_Id) return Boolean
+                  is
+                     Decl : constant Node_Id := Enclosing_Declaration (N);
+                  begin
+                     return Nkind (Decl) = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+                       and then Present (Corresponding_Formal_Spec (Decl));
+                  end Is_Generic_Actual_Subp_Name;
+                  I    : Interp_Index;
+                  It   : Interp;
+                  Inst : Entity_Id := Current_Scope;
+               begin
+                  while Present (Inst)
+                    and then not Is_Generic_Instance (Inst)
+                  loop
+                     Inst := Scope (Inst);
+                  end loop;
+                  if Present (Inst) then
+                     Get_First_Interp (N, I, It);
+                     while Present (It.Nam) loop
+                        if Is_Extraneously_Visible (E => It.Nam, Inst => Inst)
+                          and then not Is_Generic_Actual_Subp_Name (N)
+                        then
+                           Remove_Interp (I);
+                        end if;
+                        Get_Next_Interp (I, It);
+                     end loop;
+                  end if;
+               end;
+            end if;
             --  If no homonyms were visible, the entity is unambiguous
             if not Is_Overloaded (N) then